
Fujiwara Yū (1932-2001) was born in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, the location of one of Japan's Six Ancient Kilns (六古窯). His father, Fujiwara Kei, was also a Bizen potter, and had been named a Japanese National Living Treasure in 1970. Fujiwara

Fujiwara Yū (1932-2001) was born in Bizen, Okayama Prefecture, the location of one of Japan's Six Ancient Kilns (六古窯). His father, Fujiwara Kei, was also a Bizen potter, and had been named a Japanese National Living Treasure in 1970. Fujiwara Yū himself would receive the same honor in 1996. He was blind in his left eye, and the vision of his right eye was greatly impaired, so while making pottery he relied heavily on his sense of touch. Perhaps because of this, his pottery is known for feeling warm, gentle and sturdy in the hands. This shape of teabowl is known as a natsujawan (夏茶碗), or "summer teabowl."


  • Bizen-Yaki Summer Chawan With Incised Calligraphic Motif
  • 備前焼文字彫り夏茶碗
  • Fujiwara Yū (Artist)
  • 藤原 雄 (Artist)
Date Created
1955 to 2001
Resource Type
  • Image
  • Identifier
    • Identifier Type
      Locally defined identifier
      Identifier Value
      ASUM 2017.016.005

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